Logos of THE WHEATLEY COMPANIES (sm). WHEATLEY US (sm) and WHEATLEY UK (sm) are logos of Wheatley US Limited. WHEATLEY SPI (sm) is the logo of WHEATLEY SPI DIVISION OF WHEATLEY US LIMITED.
We provide management, engineering and architectural expertise for business and construction projects around the world. We are the London representatives for certain companies in other countries. Together with our GLOBAL STRATEGIC PARTNERS (SM) we offer:
• Management Consulting • Problem Solving • Technical Issue Analysis • Construction Management Consulting • Construction Claims Consulting • Surety Consulting • Technical and Contract Claims Analysis for Construction Projects • Time Impact Analysis (TIA) and other types of scheduling analysis • Expert Witness Testimony • Managing/Coordination of Litigation Experts • Litigation Support Services
As Chairman of the THE WHEATLEY COMPANIES (SM), I welcome you to our Internet site. To clients undertaking business and construction projects, we provide management and design expertise for the prevention and resolution of problems and contract disputes. We provide project management services for projects as different as the business restructuring and privatisation of government-owned industries and the construction of schools. To attorneys, we provide expert analysis for construction claims and disputes, and for the provision, coordination and management of expert services for litigation in local and international venues. In addition, for select clients, we provide security, protection and intelligence services and products through WHEATLEY SPI DIVISION OF WHEATLEY US LIMITED.
William Arthur Wheatley, Chairman
Our motto is: Global Service for a Global World (SM)
Click HERE to view/download our firm brochure in printable .pdf format.
WHEATLEY consultantsserve global markets through strategic partnerships and alliances. Wheatley Global Partners (SM) include:
Wheatley US Limited
Wheatley SPI Division of Wheatley US Limited
Middle East International Corporation (MEIC)
Construction Solutions International, LLC (CSI)
Cope Linder Architects
Delaware Valley Construction Consultants, PC (DVCC)
Stapleton International, Ltd.
International Design and Engineering Consortium (IDEC)
and other strategic partners and allies around the world.
Contact information for the firms listed above is on our Contact Us page.
"Under Construction"
This web site is always under construction. After all, one of our principal business lines is construction consulting.
We invite you to return often to view changes as we continue with our "construction progress." Watching our principal project - the growth and development of our companies -- grow is exciting for us, and we hope you share our excitement. Also, we invite you to visit the pages of our strategic partners! Links may be found on our Contact Us page.
Thanks for visiting THE WHEATLEY COMPANIES(SM)! Come back soon!